Learn from an Expert

Karen Strange has over 30 years of experience as a midwife and AAP/NRP instructor. She's taught over 10,000 professionals and parents, and heard thousands upon thousands of birth stories.

Karen's deep understanding of the babies journey during pregnancy and birth paired with her clinical knowledge of birth complications make her unique courses a must see.

Baby's Experience of Birth & Golden Hour

From the beginning of time, mammals have gone through a set sequence of events to come into the world.

Karen takes you through the mammalian sequence and how that impacts a newborn's instincts, communication and behavior immediately after birth.

Then, learn what is embedded in the golden hour, the time when the glue of attachment is the stickiest. This time helps set the stage for further neurodevelopment. You'll learn how to best support a newborn, even after a traumatic entrance into the world.

This lecture is written with midwives as the original audience.

This course is closed for enrollment.